Protect Your Garage with Garagekeepers Insurance

At, our experienced agents can guide you through the process of obtaining Garagekeepers Insurance, helping you find the best coverage options for your business needs.

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Understanding Garagekeepers Insurance What does garagekeepers insurance cover?

Garagekeepers insurance is an insurance policy for businesses that are responsible for the care, custody, and control of their customers' vehicles. This coverage insures against any damages or losses that occur to a customer's vehicle while it is in the business's possession and protects the business in case of any liability claims.


Here's more of what Garagekeepers Insurance can cover:

  • 1 Damage caused by theft, fire, vandalism, natural disasters, or other covered perils
  • 2 Collision damage that occurs while an employee is driving a customer's vehicle
  • 3 Damage that occurs during a test drive or while the vehicle is parked on the business premises
  • 4 Liability claims made by customers for damage or loss to their vehicles while in the business's care, custody, or control
  • 5 Legal defense costs for liability claims made by customers

UNDERSTANDING COVERAGE PRICING How Much Will Garagekeepers Cost For My Trucking Businesses?

Garagekeepers insurance is essential for trucking businesses that store or service customers' vehicles. The cost of this insurance coverage can vary depending on several factors, including the type and value of the stored vehicles, the level of risk involved, and the coverage type. All-risk coverage, which provides the most comprehensive protection, typically has a higher premium than named perils coverage. At Cheap Truck Insurance, we specialize in offering affordable and customized garagekeepers insurance policies that meet the unique needs of each client.

By allowing us to shop FOR you and comparing transportation insurance quotes from multiple providers, we'll find the best value for your money and secure the right policy to protect your trucking business.

Factors affecting your garagekeepers insurance coverage

Our experienced agents work with multiple insurance carriers to find the best coverage options at the most competitive prices. We understand the importance of protecting your valuable assets during storage or service, without breaking the bank.

That's why we consider these factors when determining your Garagekeepers Insurance Premium:

  • Type of Coverage
  • Value of Stored Vehicles
  • Level of Risk
  • Type of coverage: We offer a range of coverage options, including all-risk and named perils, to suit your specific needs and budget.
  • Level of risk: The level of risk involved in storing or servicing the vehicles can affect the premium. For example, if you store hazardous materials or have a high volume of stored vehicles, your premium may be higher.
  • Value of the stored vehicles: The value of the stored vehicles will impact the cost of insurance. We provide coverage for various types of vehicles, from cars to heavy-duty trucks.
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How To Get Garagekeepers Insurance For My Business

Garagekeepers insurance can help protect your business in the event of damage or theft to a customer's vehicle while it's in your care. To obtain this coverage, follow these steps:

Fill out our online quote request form

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Our Trucking Insurance Experts Answer Your Questions

Recent questions about garagekeepers coverage:
Does Garagekeepers Insurance Cover Theft?

Garagekeepers insurance is designed to protect businesses that store, service, or repair customers' vehicles. While this type of insurance typically covers damages to the vehicles in the care of the business, it may not always cover theft.

To ensure appropriate coverage follow the following steps:
1. Carefully review your garagekeepers insurance policy
2. Discuss any potential gaps with your insurance agent

Cheap Truck Insurance has a team of experienced agents who can help businesses find the right policy that includes theft coverage, if needed. We work with multiple insurance carriers to find the most competitive prices and comprehensive coverage options. Contact us today to get started and protect your business against losses, including theft.

Trucking insurance questions and answers
Who Needs Garagekeeprs Insurance:

If you are a business that stores, services, or repairs customers' vehicles, then you may need garagekeepers insurance to protect your business against financial losses that may arise from any damage or theft to the stored vehicles.

Here are some factors to consider when determining if you need it:

  1. Do you store customers' vehicles on your property overnight / an extended period?
  2. Do you provide repair or maintenance services for customers' vehicles?
  3. Do you have employees or third-party contractors who handle customers' vehicles in any way?
  4. Do you have a parking lot / garage that customers can use to park their vehicles while conducting business with you?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then it's likely that you need garagekeepers insurance. This type of insurance coverage can help protect your business against liability claims, property damage, and theft involving stored vehicles. Contact us today to get started and ensure that your business is fully protected against potential financial losses.

How to save even more on insurance Garagekeepers Deductibles

Garagekeepers insurance provides peace of mind to businesses that store or service customers' vehicles. One of the key features of this insurance policy is the per-vehicle deductible, which is an amount that the policyholder agrees to pay towards any loss or damage incurred by a stored vehicle.

The per-vehicle deductible is a crucial factor in determining the cost and coverage of garagekeepers insurance. Policyholders can choose a deductible amount that best suits their budget and risk tolerance. Opting for a higher deductible can lower the premium cost of the policy, but it also means that the policyholder will be responsible for paying more out of pocket in the event of a claim.