How Do I Save Money On My Trucking Fleet Insurance Rates?

Save money on your trucking insurance

Insuring a trucking fleet is expensive and complicated. There’s no way around that. A commercial truck requires more than just a basic plan such as you might put on the family sedan. So if the sometimes byzantine process of insuring a single commercial vehicle can be costly, what might it look like when you have a LOT of such trucks?

For owners of a commercial trucking fleet, it immediately raises a question of paramount importance: how do I save money on my trucking fleet insurance rates?

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Trucks cost money. You have to pay for the truck itself, then pay for its repair and maintenance needs, keep it fueled up, keep it registered and up to date with inspections and other, sometimes unexpected costs. So the budget is bleeding money on every truck in multiple directions, even before insurance costs enter the equation.

Insurance for your commercial trucking business, though, will often be one of your greatest expenses, yet also one of the most necessary. You can’t even legally take the truck on the road without basic coverage, and you’ll want more coverage than that lest a single accident ruin you with an avalanche of fees and penalties.

So you need insurance. You need good insurance. And you have to pay for it. But insurance on an entire trucking fleet can be a painful line item in any budget. So where do you turn to get the coverage you need at a cost you can afford?

You turn to

How Do I Save Money On My Trucking Fleet Insurance Rates?

At, you can get a better price because you’re not competing for the best insurance, you’re watching the best insurance agents compete for your business.

The process couldn’t be simpler. You fill out a form with all your basic information and insurance needs on the website, allowing your prospective agents to fill out your requirements and determine the best options for you based on cost and utility.

The website will take care of the rest. In no time, you’ll be provided with up to three quotes from competing offers, each tailored to your stated requirements and designed to fit your budget. All you have to do is pick the one that works best for you on both fronts and choose your new agent and insurance plan.

At that point, your work is done, beyond signing on the dotted line. Your new insurance agent does the rest, drafting the final plan, taking care of the legalities and formalities, and basically tying everything up in a bow for your truck plan.

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You may be worried that the process won’t be as effective for a large fleet, compared to a single owner-operator’s truck. You might feel tempted to turn to a large company in hopes they are better suited to your fleet’s needs. But all you’ll be doing is paying more for the same plans. Only at can you be sure you’re getting the best price thanks to it doing all the comparison shopping for you, so you can focus on just driving trucks.

Don’t leave your commercial trucking fleet stranded due to insurance needs. Visit today and let them help you get the insurance you need at a price that fits your budget and your requirements.

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