The Benefits of Intermodal Trucking Insurance for Your Business

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Intermodal trucking is one of the most well-known sights on the highway. Trucks hauling the containers from ships to rail, and back, are a common sight to everyone on the roadway. Yet intermodal trucking is a complex business that needs thorough insurance coverage to function at its best. It is vital for fleet owners to understand the benefits of intermodal trucking insurance for your business.

Intermodal is a form of trucking involving two or more forms of transportation. Generally this involves containers arriving on a cargo ship, or via rail by train, and the truck serves as a go-between, carrying the container from one to the other.

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Intermodal trucking is generally seen as a safe, predictable form of cargo hauling, consisting of shorter, local runs from consistent destinations. But it has its own form of risks and challenges. Truckers must ensure the container they receive is in working order and is properly secure. And all truckers involved in hauling containers must follow the regulations and requirements of the Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement, which standardizes rules across all industries that haul container cargo.

With all that in mind, an intermodal cargo hauler needs specialized insurance to ensure they keep in compliance with UIIA standards and industry requirements.

That’s where trucking companies can turn to

Intermodal Trucking

The professionals at know the challenges of navigating a complicated insurance marketplace, particularly for a harried business owner, and are dedicated to doing the hard work for you.

It all starts online with a few simple questions to establish your company’s requirements and needs.

As part of their comprehensive service, they will produce not just one, but at least three, competing quotes for your fleet. This head-to-head(-to head) approach lets you compare and contrast quotes from various reputable insurance companies and find which one can get you the best coverage at the best rate, all right in front of your keyboard as you simply plug in the information on the company website and let them do the work for you.

After filling out the information form online at, our team will match you with an agent best suited to quote your business. You’ll get quotes from up to three agents competing for your business by trying to get you the best price possible.

From there, it’s simple. Choose the best offer for your needs and go ahead and purchase it there on the spot. Your new insurance agent will lock in your price and handle all the paperwork from there so you can get your trucks back on the road knowing they’re properly covered with an insurance policy you can afford.

Your plan will cover every aspect of your business and of the complex intermodal shipping industry. And all you’ll have to do is answer a few online questions and choose from among up to three plans one you like best and best fits your needs.

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Understanding the benefits of intermodal trucking insurance for your business is vital. Turning to to get those benefits is just as vital. Give them a look today.

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